Leading the Way to Better Health
Managing Pregnancy Related Back Pain
Studies suggest that up to 90 percent of pregnant women will experience low back and/or pelvic pain related to their pregnancy and 10 percent of those will report discomfort severe enough to disrupt their daily routines. What causes pregnancy-related back pain in the...
Physical activity is a crucial component of maintaining one’s health, function and quality of life. However, physical activity, including competitive and recreational sports, can have an important impact on your musculoskeletal and related neurological systems. In...
Get Set To Garden & Prevent Yourself From Injury
As the calendar flips to the fall months it's a great time to enjoy outdoor activity in the cooler fresh weather. One of these outdoor activities that comes around this time each year is yard work. Putting the gardens to bed and raking up the fallen leaves are ...
Finding Time for Fitness
How do you find time for fitness when so many things are competing for your attention? It’s a common problem. The good news is that as little as 15 minutes a day can start a fitness habit – and deliver health benefits! Research has shown that within a study conducted...
How to Get the Most Value from Walking
Just start walking – It’s the simplest thing you can do to get a workout in. Even 15 minutes a day can start you on the way to an activity habit, keep in mind that movement is improvement. Walking is the easiest choice when the weather is agreeable but don’t let a...
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