Leading the Way to Better Health
What Exactly is Reflexology and How Can It Help Me?
First of all, so we are all on the same page, Reflexology is a therapeutic massage method that targets specific pressure points, usually on the hands and feet, but also the face. This controlled, pain relieving pressure works due to the fact that there are certain...
Get Ready for Spring Gardening Without Any Injuries!
Spring is here, and just like that, we are looking for those April showers, but you know what that means - May flowers are coming! Seasoned gardeners know that the work starts now to get prepared for the blooming season. Gardening comes with a lot of work; it isn't...
The Importance of Getting Good Sleep
Sleep, we all love it at some point, perhaps when you are a child or a teenager you never want to go to sleep, but once you pass that threshold into adolescence, it all changes. Sleep can come in waves. Sometimes it’s great, but sometimes you can’t even remember when...
Benefits of Weight Training for Prevention of Osteoporosis
Do you know what osteoporosis is? If you don’t, let us sum it up for you. It is a potentially serious disease that weakens your bones to the point that they can break easily. It can be caused by genetics, but it also can be prevented. One of these prevention tactics...
How to Prevent Slips/Twists/Falls This
2023 Winter Season!
January in Southern Ontario brings a fresh year, with new beginnings and snowy weather! Or does it? Because the weather this January 2023 has been anything but fresh and snowy! So far, we have gotten a lot of freezing rain, rain with flash freezing and aggressive...
How Are You Keeping Healthy & Active During the Holidays?
Almost all of us can agree that we love the holiday season! All the festive fun, getting together with friends and family, the events and parties, the snow, the cozyness of being warm inside with a hot chocolate, the cookies, oh and did we say events and holiday...
Snow Shovelling Tips to Protect Your Back
The most wonderful time of the year is here! Well, for some people at least. For those who suffer from a bad back, they may disagree and we all know why - shoveling the crazy amount of snow that we get in Southern Ontario! For those who don’t have the luxury of a snow...
Pack it Light, Wear it Right: Backpack Safety101
With the summer winding down and back to school on the horizon it's time to discuss backpacks and how to choose and wear them safely. Carrying a heavy load that is unevenly or improperly distributed can result in poor posture and even distort your spinal column. This...
6 Daily Energy Boosters
Your daily routine can often get the best of you. Everyone is familiar with all-out energy drain, those times when no matter how enticing that new movie, fabulous shoe sale or friendly barbecue, you just can’t psych yourself up to go. What can be harder to recognize...
Get Ready to Tee it Up!! With the nice weather here it's time to hit the links. Each year at this time thousands of golf enthusiasts dust off their clubs and head to their favourite course to start another golf season. If this sounds like you, here's a few tips to...
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