Do you know what osteoporosis is? If you don’t, let us sum it up for you. It is a potentially serious disease that weakens your bones to the point that they can break easily. It can be caused by genetics, but it also can be prevented. One of these prevention tactics is weight training, and we shall explain why! 

The answer is actually quite simple: it helps build stronger bones! We know what you may be thinking, how does stressing your bones help? Wouldn’t putting too much pressure on them make them weaker? Actually, no! Weight training aka strength training, can help prevent your bones from weakening. This is because putting your bones under stress helps stimulate bone-forming cells, called osteoblasts. 

Of course we recommend chatting with your healthcare provider before you grab those dumbbells. That way you know what is safe for your stage of osteoporosis, your fitness level and your general health. 

No work out routine will be the same for someone who is trying to prevent osteoporosis or who has osteoporosis, because every individual is unique, and your exercise routine should be, too. This will be base on a multitude of things, including but not limited to:  

  • Fracture risk
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Lifestyle and diet 
  • Bone strength
  • Muscle strength
  • Range of motion
  • Level of physical activity
  • Fitness
  • Balance

Which is why your health and wellness team needs to know your health history, in order to be able to help provide the proper exercises and work out plans.

We all seek for optimal health, but only you can make that first step towards it. Don’t worry, our team of professionals here at Port Perry Wellness Centre are here for you, every step along the way!  Contact us today to get you on the path of prevention! We are here to answer any of your questions!