While it may be tempting to ask a friend to give you a massage, there are several reasons why you should consider coming to our team here at Port Perry Wellness Centre and see one of our RMT’s instead. First off, our massage therapists are trained and licensed...
Have you been suffering from aches and pains or know someone who tells you about all their ailments? Sounds like you or that special someone needs a bit of chiropractic care! Or maybe a lot, but we can figure that one out together! For those who don’t know,...
First of all, so we are all on the same page, Reflexology is a therapeutic massage method that targets specific pressure points, usually on the hands and feet, but also the face. This controlled, pain relieving pressure works due to the fact that there are certain...
Spring is here, and just like that, we are looking for those April showers, but you know what that means – May flowers are coming! Seasoned gardeners know that the work starts now to get prepared for the blooming season. Gardening comes with a lot of work; it...
Sleep, we all love it at some point, perhaps when you are a child or a teenager you never want to go to sleep, but once you pass that threshold into adolescence, it all changes. Sleep can come in waves. Sometimes it’s great, but sometimes you can’t even remember when...
Do you know what osteoporosis is? If you don’t, let us sum it up for you. It is a potentially serious disease that weakens your bones to the point that they can break easily. It can be caused by genetics, but it also can be prevented. One of these prevention tactics...